So, it’s mother’s day.
And as a mum I have been blessed with helping to shape the worlds of 3 small folk.
Apparently I do some things well. Like making yogurt berry muffins. And spotting handstands.
And some things I could do better. Like letting them drink orange juice. Or buying Fanta
But today – all that is forgotten as my smalls shower me with love. Overt outpourings of unconditional love. Reminding me of my love for myself as a mother, a daughter, a sister and a girlfriend.
And as a gift from the goddess.
Think forward bends, restorative and savasana.
“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself over and over again” – Joseph Campbell.
Life can remind us about the timeless connection we have when we step beyond the boundaries of ourselves. The sacred gift of our strength and innate knowledge – as mothers and as women – is to celebrated today.
In honouring mother earth and the earth element within, we step up and into her power. Our power. And never lose ourselves again in the swamp of guilt, blame or fear.
We shared a fanta tonight after our surf. My smalls and I. It was cold. And it was good.
It made me tingly.